كهف المساء

كهف المساء @khf_almsaaa

محررة برونزية

السلام سؤاااااااااااااال الله يخليكم جاوبو

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

اتمنى اتعلم انجليزي يااارب بعد الله على يديينكم

ممكن وحده منكم يالغاليات تترجم لي
"When you claim ownership of your life, you stop giving your creative energy to outside sources and start using your internal resources to move you in the right direction."

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

تسلمين نبض الوفا الله يعطيكِ العافية ..
موفقة يار ب كهف المساء:26:
كهف المساء
كهف المساء
الله يجزاك الجنه يانبض الوفا ويوفقك لكل خير وييسر امووووورك يااارب

ويجعل دنياك واخرتك راحه

عندي بعد طلب

الي تقدر تترجم لي

One decision, made almost twenty years ago, altered the course of my life forever. Since then I've learned that there are no coincidences. Every event we experience and every person we meet has intentionally been put in our path for a reason. When you awaken to this fundamental truth, the person who smiles at you while you're walking down the street is no longer a stranger. The phone call from an old friend who crossed your mind the day before is no longer a surprise. And the failed relationship that left you broken-hearted is no longer a source of bitterness and pain. Instead it's seen as a blessing in disguise, a gift that makes you stronger, more conscious, and ultimately, more alive.

Over time, as you come to understand these events for what they really are, you recognize that a benevolent force of energy has been available to guide and direct your life all along. I call this energy "the unmistakable touch of grace."

This book is a very personal account of how grace has transformed my life, as well as the lives of others. While some stories may seem unbelievable, all of them are true. As you follow the story, you too will begin to see the signs, symbols, and messages in your life that are attempting to lead you down the right path. Once you've finished this book, the way you view your life and the people in it, will be changed forever.

والله يوفقكمممممم
* فاتنة الحزن *
اختي الغاليه كهف المساء عندي برنامج في الجهاز اسمه الوافي الذهبي مررررره روووووعه يترجم لك اي قطعه بس اكتبيها واعطيه enter

واذا القطعه موجوده في الجهاز سوي لها نسخ ولصق:26: