أم الفزعات جات
أنا مين؟

ten out of ten

your answers are right

Thank you very much

and keep in touch
أم الفزعات جات
أميرة الشوق
Excellent really my dear

ten out of ten

and i know very well that you will never cheat

Thank you verymuch and keep going
حـ * ـلم
حـ * ـلم
Thank You Umm Alfaz3at


you are really outstanding
أم الفزعات جات
You are welcome my dear .Really I am trying to do my best .I appreciate your presence here and thank u very much .
أم الفزعات جات
تمارين الدرس الثالث : الأسماء

Choose the correct answer?
1. __________ students are in the class?

* How much
* How many

2. I don't have __________ about the Internet.
much knowledge
many knowledge
5. __________ time do you have?
How many
How much

8. Dave wants to have __________ children.

**********Add s or es to the following words:

write the plural form of the following :
mouse , goose , sheep ?

******complete the sentences with the possessive form :1- (boy) >>>> The ……….hat is red
2- (boys)>>>>>The …….. hats are red.
3- (sally)>>>>> last name is White .
4- ( wife) >>>>This is my ………….. coat .