اميرة الغيد
اميرة الغيد
الظفيرية معناها ااامنة

وانا طلع نفس الشي مشكووورة اختي
اميرة الغيد... طمنتيني

جزاك اللة خير واللة يرزقك الزوج الصالح إن شاء الله
:icon33: السلام عليكم يا اخوتي **محدش قاللي أعمل اية مع النتيجة دي فهموني باللة عليكم :(
Open and Unsecure!
21 (FTP)

This port is not being blocked and there is a program accepting connections on this port.

23 (Telnet)

This port is completely invisible to the outside world.

Closed but Unsecure
25 (SMTP Mail Server Port)

This port is not being blocked, but there is no program currently accepting connections on this port.

Closed but Unsecure
79 (Finger)

This port is not being blocked, but there is no program currently accepting connections on this port.

80 (HTTP)

This port is completely invisible to the outside world.

Closed but Unsecure
110 (POP3 Mail Server Port)

This port is not being blocked, but there is no program currently accepting connections on this port.

Closed but Unsecure
139 (Net BIOS)

This port is not being blocked, but there is no program currently accepting connections on this port.

Closed but Unsecure
143 (IMAP)

This port is not being blocked, but there is no program currently accepting connections on this port.

Closed but Unsecure
443 (HTTPS)

This port is not being blocked, but there is no program currently accepting connections on this port.

Test complete.

Reachable ports were found. If these ports were not deliberately left open, there may be a problem with your firewall operation or configuration.
ريمي الصغيره
ريمي الصغيره
مشكورة اختي طلع جهازي بيه بورتات مفتوحه
مشكورة اختي طلع جهازي بيه بورتات مفتوحه
السلام عليكم

الله يعينج يمكن ما عندج برنامج حمايه؟؟

تحياتي :)
ريمي الصغيره
ريمي الصغيره
جربتها ولقيته آمنه ومضمونة من أى أختراق يسلمووووووووووو
جربتها ولقيته آمنه ومضمونة من أى أختراق يسلمووووووووووو
السلام عليكم

الله يسلمج والحمد لله يوم كل شي أأأأأأأأأأأمن

تحياتي :icon28: