كتاب مسكر
كتاب مسكر
الله يشفيك يارب ويخفف عنك الالم والله ماعرف شي عن الاكزيما
الله يقومك بالسلامه
الوحيده 4
الوحيده 4
salaam allaykum sister ..I hope you are feeling much much better by now..I am in my 3rd yr medical school in USA..and sorry to write to you in English since our schools dont provide us with Arabic keyboard and its hard to switch it anyways
you have to understand that some forms of eczema can be triggered by substances that come in contact with the skin, such as soaps, cosmetics, clothing, detergents, jewelry, or sweat. Environmental allergens (substances that cause allergic reactions) may also cause outbreaks of eczema. Changes in temperature or humidity, or even psychological stress, can lead to outbreaks of eczema in some people
you have to know that there are many types of eczema and the way you treat it is different from each others...
Eczema may have a similar appearance to other diseases of the skin, including infections or reactions to certain medications, so the diagnosis is not always simple. In some cases, a biopsy of the skin may be taken in order to rule out other skin diseases that may be producing signs and symptoms similar to eczema.
what type of creams did your doctor prescribe for you?because there are some of them that the USA-FDA minnimzed the usage of the those creams...
anyways I would like to suggest you to limit or avoiding contact with known irritants like soaps, perfumes, detergents, jewelry, environmental irritants
hope I have helped you in some ways...and I am so sorry that I couldnt reply back to you in Arabic
hope you feel better soon sister,
نجدية بكندا
نجدية بكندا
salaam allaykum sister ..I hope you are feeling much much better by now..I am in my 3rd yr medical school in USA..and sorry to write to you in English since our schools dont provide us with Arabic keyboard and its hard to switch it anyways you have to understand that some forms of eczema can be triggered by substances that come in contact with the skin, such as soaps, cosmetics, clothing, detergents, jewelry, or sweat. Environmental allergens (substances that cause allergic reactions) may also cause outbreaks of eczema. Changes in temperature or humidity, or even psychological stress, can lead to outbreaks of eczema in some people you have to know that there are many types of eczema and the way you treat it is different from each others... Eczema may have a similar appearance to other diseases of the skin, including infections or reactions to certain medications, so the diagnosis is not always simple. In some cases, a biopsy of the skin may be taken in order to rule out other skin diseases that may be producing signs and symptoms similar to eczema. what type of creams did your doctor prescribe for you?because there are some of them that the USA-FDA minnimzed the usage of the those creams... anyways I would like to suggest you to limit or avoiding contact with known irritants like soaps, perfumes, detergents, jewelry, environmental irritants hope I have helped you in some ways...and I am so sorry that I couldnt reply back to you in Arabic hope you feel better soon sister,
salaam allaykum sister ..I hope you are feeling much much better by now..I am in my 3rd yr...
شوفي ياختي انتي نفس حالتي بالظبط حتى نفس مكانها باليديين وبين الاصابع حتى المشكلة هذي عند ولدي من الركبة الى القدميين والحمد لله سويت لة طريقة دهن مرة ماشالله نفع معاة وجربية و****لله يناسبك الي هو عبارة عن علبة فازليين كبير تفرغينها في قدر وحطية على النار بعدين اضيفي علية نص فنجال زيت زيتون وملعقتين كبيرة حبة سودا مطحونة وخلية على النار لين يبدا يذوب كلة مع بعض
واذا شفتية بدا يغلي شيلية من النار
وحطية في علبة زجاج واقري في قران وحطية في الثلاجة وادهني منة قبل النوم وخلي يدينك طول اليوم مرطبة بمرطب مثل الفازليين بحيث انها ماتجف لان جفافها هو اللي يزيد عليك الاكزيما و****لله ياربي تنفعك وادعي لي ان الله يشفيني ويخلي لي عيالي وزوجي:39:
فريش برتقال
فريش برتقال
الله يشفيك يارب

اذا كانت الاكزيما اللي فيك نفس اكزيما الاطفال الصغار اللي تجي في خدودهم اول ماينولدون (بالشهووور الاولى )

استخدمي جرسيوليد الاصلي .
أم دحومي الحلو
بنتي جاها أكزيما شديدة لدرجة طلعت في فروة راسها بس كانت في الشهور صغيرة
عطتنا الدكتورة كريم اسمه إيباديرم روعة صراحة هو قريب جداً من الفازلين ويرطب البشرة لوقت طويل
وفيه طريقة تتحممين به
ينفع للكبار والصغار حتى اللي فيهم جفاف في البشرة مو شرط أكزيما

هذا شكله ما أدري إذا كان عندكم في أمريكا


عموماً الطبيبة قالت لي الأكزيما يبغى لها ترطيب مستمر
بس ما أدري يمكن تكون الأكزيما أنواع ودرجات مختلفة

الله يشفيك وكل مسلم