مين جربت جهاز donna للكشف عن أيام التبويض

الحمل والإنجاب

السلام عليكم
ان شاء الله يارب تكن جميعا بألف خير
من جربت فيكم جهاز donna ياريت تخبرنى هل نافع أم لا :(

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

اول مره اسمع عنه اذا احد عنده خبره ياليت يعلمنا
متيمة حائل
متيمة حائل
اول مره اسمع عنه اذا احد عنده خبره ياليت يعلمنا
كل ما تريدين معرفته عن هدا الجهاز تفضلي

DONNA® Ovulation Tester is actually a mini microscope that is so simple to use, and allows a woman to examine her own saliva samples in order to determine her ACTUAL times of ovulation - know 1, 2, or up to 3 days BEFORE you ovulate!

Anytime!! Anywhere!!

Easy to use
98% accuracy
See results in 15 minutes
Use daily for 12 months
Originally from Italy since 1994
Sold in over 30 countries
Only product available in its market
DONNA® Fertility Tester is a mini microscope made up of a small cylindrical body where a sample of saliva is applied.

DONNA® is the size of a basic lipstick applicator and takes only minutes to discover if a woman is fertile or not within her monthly cycle. During fertile days, a sample of saliva resembles "ferns", while during all other days only shapeless, "dotted" structures can be seen.

DONNA® "saliva" fertility test gives 98% accuracy results in 5-10 minutes.

No messy applications
No complicated charts

DONNA® is non-invasive, has no side effects, no chemicals, very discrete and is easy to use. DONNA® is also proven to be the most accurate form of ovulation predictors. Lifestyle pattern changes do not affect the results of the DONNA®. If, for example, your sleep cycle or stress level is altered, this will have no affect on the DONNA’s accuracy.


بنت اجـاويد
بنت اجـاويد
انا جربته ما عجبني .. مو واضح ابددددددا
انا جربته بالعكس كان واضح انه فيه تبييض وفعلا حملت في هذي الايام