
الحزينـة @alhzyn_28

عضوة نشيطة

ساعدوني بسرعه.بحط فقرتين بموضوعين مختلفين صححولي واللي بتزيد كم من جملة جزاهالله خير

اللغة الأنجليزية

عرفتووا شو أباا من العنواااااااان

الله يجزااها كللللللللللللللل الخير ويحققلها كلل أمنيااااااااااااااااااااااااتهاا اللي بتساااعدني المهم إن ورا باجر يكون جاااهز

How to improve english writing skills(used always-usually-smetimes-never-can-cant-have to-dont have to-should-shouldnt)p :

english language is very important in our life now . english language is the first language to used in the world.

to improve my english language specially english wriing skills i should write diffrent kinds of paragraph to practice my self . first you should learn some vocabulaary every day . second i learn me to shut my friends english.third every week i learn one structure of grammer . fourth thig and the last thing is when i read a paragraph and when i see difficult word i look quickly inn the dictionary what is the meaning of that word .

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

the first time

(used verbs in the past simple tense-adj that describe feelings-in-on-at-ago-linking words)

each of person had a Positions in his life . he lived in it a specially his way . and i had in my life a thing i cant forget it .

the first time in my college i didnt like it . in the morning i get up early . i took a shower.i ate a breakfast and i wait bus. after that i weared my clothes . my bus arrive at 6:00 oclock.it was very tall time but i ampition to continue my education then i became a business woman in the future .i hope that after two years . .

i arrived to college . i didnt feel tired because i went to this college before three years ago to learn icdl with my friends shick soad shoose some student to learn this corse and i was in it .

i feel Strangeness because all my friends in my class sign university . i was sadly because that.

the first class is egain . ifeel board and stress . isaid how i continue my education and used english language only. how back home at 5:00 oclock daily. it was difficult.

After two weeks i adapted a little. but in the second semester i love the college very much because i adapted and i became had a lovely friend spesially __________- .i loved her very much and i hoped she was my friend for ever ...

Sweet Mary
Sweet Mary
i'lll back
بشكل مبدئي وسريع
راجعي السبيلنج والجرامر علشان فيهمم أخطاء
لما تكتبي برجراف او مقال أكتبي بضمير واحد طول الوقتيعني مش مرة i ,ومرة you وكل شويه تغيري الضمير
الجملة الخامسة مش مفهوم معناها
حاولي قدر المستطاع تختصري الكلام وتختاري الكلمات البسيطة عشان متتلخبطيش وفي نفس الوقت تستخدمي التعبيرات أو الأفكار المطلوبة منك
ارجو أنك تتقبلي النصايح دي وتحاول تطبقيها
وهاعدل الأخطاء بتاعتك في الرد الجاي
English language is very important in our life now,it is a global language.
to improve my English specially English writing skills i usually write different kinds of paragraphs.
Besides, i always learn some new vocabulary every day
then i every learn one grammatical structure every week
finally when i read a new word , i wont rest till i look it up in a dictionary
وأتمنى أنك تجربي تصلحي القطعة التانية لوحدك علشان تتعودي
then i every learn one grammatical structure every week
it should be
then i learn one grammatical structure every week