مس فيو20

مس فيو20 @ms_fyo20

عضوة جديدة

بليز انا باامس الحاجه لمساعدتكم الله يرزقها اضعاف ماتتمنى الي تساعدني

اللغة الأنجليزية


بليز عرضي قرب ومابعد جهزت له قسم مره مشغووله اختبارات وكذا

المهم هذا رابط ابي احد يكتب الكلام الي قاله تكفوووون بلييز جعل ربي يسعدك ويحرم وجهك على النار جعل ربي يسخر لك الدنيا ومافيها
عندي اختبار عليه 50 درجه نهائي:(


يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

المحبة لله كثيرا
سلام اختي حاولت اكتب اللي بيقولة الشخص ***** الله اتوفقت وبقت كلمه عملتها بالحمر حاولي تعرفيها ما فهمتها لاني خلاص نعسانة والله يوفقك
Eldon Taylor

Is this what my life is about? In that point in their lives they begin to seek Self –Actualization .What does my life mean? Now to me Self-Actualization means. What does my life mean? But I have to wait to get old to answer the question . If I take responsibility in the get go.I have to say what if I am taking responsibility for. If I am taking responsibility for myself, I have to say (you know) the old one. Who am I? What is my life about? I think to some distinct society has got distant from the great philosophies of life. We sold them out candy and pop corn and flashy mobiles and fancy clothing ,and gold chain and loud sounds and marvelous movies, but we’ve forgotten the he great philosophies. In h…. great philosophy the first question who am I in get a hold since of my life having meaning purpose and all the **** that I had done in my life whether it was in present situation, it was interrogation situation, it was ……,it was counseling, all these to be when you go to aid of another human being you got a warm fuzzy feeling .That what I call get a fuzzy feeling . When you put your head on a pillow at night feel a warm fuzzy feeling. My day made a difference .May be you helped your son in special way and he gave that hug and said “ thanks dad” Have a little boy? Two, I do to. wonderful, but OK. May be you’ve also helped a total of stranger in some way. When you go to the aid another person, when your life is about helping other people. whatever you do. You’re a plumper .You go someone’s home .
It’s to help them .Not to take money .Not to fix that dump pipe ,but to help that person. You’re an electrician ,you’re a lawyer. Whatever your profession , if you approach it with what I do is to help. If that your attitude ,then you put your head on a pillow at night and feel a warm fuzzy feeling .What is Self-Actualization .It knowing my life many difference. It makes a deference. That’s what a Self-Actualization.
مس فيو20
مس فيو20
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