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الشبه ياقلبي خطيره بعض الدراسات اثبتت تجيب الزهايمر وسرطان الصدر تفضلي اقري


غير معرف8 ديسمبر، 2013 8:34 م
هل هناك دراسات طبية وعلمية موثقة تدل على أن (الشبه) المستعملة في بعض الأحيان كمزيل للعرق ضارة بالصحة؟

ASSRAR AL JAMAL8 ديسمبر، 2013 9:00 م


الشب هو الومنيوم عالرغم يكتبون
صح طبيعي بس هذي تكوينته

وبعض الدراسات اثبتت يجيب الزهايمر وسرطان الصدر

فيه جدل بالموضوع لكن الكثير من القلق من استخدامه ويفضل الابتعاد عنه

وضعت رابط لسؤال
الدكتور الي جاوب حاط اسم المقالات العلميه بجوابه وممكن ترجعي لها

Alum, which is found in many “natural” rock or stone deodorants, is aluminum potassium sulfate. Ammonium alum (ammonium aluminum sulfate) is also used in deodorant crystals.
Does Aluminum Cause Alzheimer's or Breast Cancer?

August 11, 2008 in Home Remedy Q&A

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Q. I have heard about a link between aluminum in antiperspirants and breast cancer. I have also read that aluminum may be associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Every antiperspirant I have checked has aluminum as its main ingredient, which worries me.

I switched to a deodorant of mineral salts to get away from aluminum, but I’ve just discovered that it contains alum. Is that aluminum? The crystal ****s great, but I don’t want aluminum in my life in any form. Is there anything I can use that doesn’t contain aluminum?

A. There is a controversy about links between aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease and breast cancer. Neither association has been proven. Nevertheless, there is some troubling research suggesting a possible connection (Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Sept. 2005; Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, May, 2007). Scientists do not know whether enough aluminum is absorbed from antiperspirants to pose a risk.

Alum, which is found in many “natural” rock or stone deodorants, is aluminum potassium sulfate. Ammonium alum (ammonium aluminum sulfate) is also used in deodorant crystals.

We don’t know whether there is a problem with such products, but there is a safe alternative, milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide). We recently received the following message from a reader: “After searching the Web for how to get rid of strong underarm odor, I found your article on the laxative method. I have been using milk of magnesia under my arms ever since. It is a life saver!”

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