plz..I need some help here

اللغة الأنجليزية

aslamo 3alaekoom..

how u doin all?


I have a homework ..and I could not finsh it.. In other word, I didn't understand it well..

I wish somebody help me in it ...plz..

The teacher ask us to search for a poem and tell her the voice..and to make a short analysis..

and I choose this poem..

What they see is not what I am.
They see my anger,
my hatred,
my rage,
my lack of compassion,
my outward front...
Little do they know,
with their prying eyes.
How I cry at night,
wishing for change.
When the light comes in,
thru the sewer grate.
It hits the murky water,
hits it just right.
The mirror of grease,
the rainbow of oil.
Sends the light off,
into a prizm of color.
That acursed color...
That wonderful color...
That which is my bane and my blessing.
I lose that color in the rainbow.
I lose myself in the spectrum of bueaty.
A shrill scream pulls me back,
reminding me of the city above.
Back to the chaos of my life.
I answer that scream with stark silence,
slipping above to the living streets.
Quickly to my feet the punks drop,
untrained thugs,
lost souls in the hustle of the city.
The rescuee, bearer of the shreik,
flees from the ally
...and from me...
Reminding me again of who I am
WHAT I am....
what I will always be...
What is that?
The query plaugues me...
I am lost.
I am drifting.
I am mutant.
I am not of this world.
I am who I am.
I am Raphael.
A glint of steel,
my friends return to me
I head towards my home,
preparing my front.
What they see is not what I am...

Best wishes,,,

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

اعتقد ان الحل هو الطبيعة nature لانها غضبانه من التلوث والسيارات وغيره وهي تتمنى رجوع صفاتها مثل الالوان والقوس قزح .
the voice is natures voice because it is anger from water pollution ,petroleum damage , pollution street and many things . the nature miss the spectrum of bueaty